London, UK Courses

Courses in 2024

Certified Change Leader (CCL) – September 25-26, 2024 (London)

Earlybird £795*

The program provides a deeper dive change program for more experienced practitioners. The robust learning opportunity, focuses on strategy, culture, agile and networked change delivery andlthe need for applied and authentic leadership for any successful change. Provides 14 hours for CCMP™ applications. For more information click here. 

*prices are in Canadian dollars. Check exact exchange rates. 

Certified Facilitator in Organizational Design (CFOD – December 2-4, 2024 (London)

Earlybird £975*

Created in 2021 this is the culmination of several years of workshops and courses focused on developing education in organizational design and its link to the organizational change space. The qualification process explores the need to gain knowledge and demonstrate its application to real world change situations. This course will help develop a robust toolbox in organizational design methods and approaches as well as fun facilitated hands-on activities to work through some real examples. Provides 22.5 hours for CCMP™ applications . For more information click here.

*prices are in Canadian dollars. Check exact exchange rates. 

Certified Lego Serious Play Change Facilitator (CLSPCF) – December 5-6, 2024 (London)

Earlybird £795

If you are a facilitator, trainer, consultant, business partner, manager or leader seeking new and different approaches to engage people then this is for you.

Change professionals will gain the skills to develop alternative approaches to stakeholder engagement, sponsorship, strategy and delivery of successful change. For more information click here.